Koh Samui Thai Spore Print (Psilocybe cubensis)


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Psilocybe cubensis Ban Koh SamuiOne of the rarer strains, coming from the Thai island Koh Samui. This strain was found by the renowned ethnomycologist John Allen.This strain colonizes and fruits very fast. The mushrooms will not grow very tall, but do get quite thick. Psilocybe cubensis Koh Samui is very resistant to contaminants and makes an excellent choice for beginners. Thanks to these capacities the strain has recently gained an enormous popularity.Substrate: Compost, grain, pasteurized dung and strawTemperature during colonization: 28 – 30 °CTemperature during cropping: 22 – 26 °CSpores are packed in a protective atmosphere and can be kept for a number of years. The spores can be sent to almost any country without a problem.


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